A perfect treat to end any dinner party!
Ingredients for 4 tarts
For the crust
150g all purpose flour
2 egg yolks
60g Butter
50g Sugar
3 tbs honey
lemon zest
For the Curd:
1 egg yolk and 1 whole egg
1 tbs honey
1/2 squeezed lemon
30g butter
1 apple
Start by taking the skin off the apple and cutting it into strips. In a pan melt a tbs of butter and cook the apple pieces in it with a little sugar and butter until soft.
Start prepping your tart crust: place the flour at the centre of your counter or a large bowl, place in the centre 2 egg yolks, the butter in pieces, the lemon zest and 3 tbs of honey. Mix well to obtain a firm batter. Create a ball and let it rest in film for about 30 minutes.
In the meantime you can start prepping the lemon curd: place in a pot the egg, the yolks, the honey and lemon juice. Mix everything well and place the pot on a larger pan with water. Place the bigger pan on the stove and let the water heat up. Keep whisking the curd while heating up to obtain a soft cream for about 10 minutes, careful it doesn't get too hard. Take off the heat and add butter mixing well.
Take your crust and flatten it to a circle, then create 4 smaller ones the size of your baking trays, previously dusted with flour and some butter to not have the crust stick into them. Bake in the oven at 170' for 15 minutes. Take them out and let them cool off before taking the crusts out of the stamps.
Fill the crust with the lemon curd and the apple on top. Dust with more cinnamon and serve with a nice vanilla ice cream!